Extracting a Heap Dump from a running OpenJ9 Java process in Kubernetes

Posted by Joep Weijers on November 26, 2020

At TOPdesk we run many Java services in our Service Architecture. We use the AdoptopenJDK OpenJ9 JRE as base image for our services running in Kubernetes. In this post we will find out how to get a Java Heap Dump from a Java application running on OpenJ9 JRE.

A Java Heap Dump is a snapshot of all the objects that are in memory in the JVM at a certain moment. Typically, a heap dump is created at the moment a Java application crashes because it runs out of memory. The heap dump can then show you what the application was doing in its dying moments, providing insight into potential memory leaks.

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Getting Docker Security Right

Posted by Martijn van Lambalgen on July 21, 2017

I started working with Docker at TOPdesk almost a year ago. Security is an interest of mine, so I did some research. You can’t look at Docker without thinking about Microservices, although they are separate topics. It is often said that Microservices can greatly improve your security. But also, that if you do it wrong, security can actually get worse.
So, what do you need to do to improve (Docker) security, rather than get rid of it? For most security concerns there is already a good solution, although not all of them are widely adopted. Let’s have a look at our concerns and how we take care of them.

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